Tuesday, 26 January 2016


1)     Have a diary

Make efforts to buy or get a diary where you can have all your tasks or what you need to do or tasks you need to achieve everyday.


2)     Write out all the tasks you have to perform.

Take time to write out all what you have to do, have a to do list and arrange all the tasks in their order of importance.


3)     Be focused.

Put all your energy and time into accomplishing all your tasks within the given deadlines. Don’t make the mistake of spending more time and energy into accomplishing those unimportant tasks that are not on your list.


4)     Think of the effects of procrastinating.

The truth is that when you think of the effects of procrastinating, you will have a rethink and make a decision to always perform any task you have in due time to meet any given deadline.


5)     Avoid all forms of distraction.

Try as much as possible to be focused on all the tasks you have to perform, learn to say NO to all forms of distraction. Cut off any activity that will not increase you level of productivity, also avoid those activities that will consume you time.


6)     Set realistic deadlines for yourself.

When there are tasks to be performed, there has to be realistic deadlines within which those tasks have to be performed or executed. The deadlines should be such that you will give yourself a little time with which to perform the tasks.



7)     Start from any of the task.

You can try and arrange all the tasks in order of importance, time consumption or effects the accomplished task will have on your productivity or in your life in general. So this if properly done, will help you know which task to start with.


8)     Say NO to all forms of excuses.

Try as much as possible not to give an excuse for not meeting the deadlines you set for each of the tasks on your list. Never put yourself in situations where you will have to give a reason why you could not accomplish a task. Avoid excuses like pressure, poor health, finances, mood, environment or having to want to accomplish the task at a particular (right time).


9)     Learn to have enough rest

This might sound funny, but you actually need enough rest to be able to have that much needed strength to get each task down properly and within specific deadlines.


10)                        Try as much as possible to remove all doubts and fears from your mind that will hinder or prevent you from accomplishing your tasks.

Have no doubts about yourself and your abilities to accomplish your task. The idea here is to stay focused as much as possible regardless of whatever it is that you are going through or obstacles that you are encountered.


11)                        Make that decision to start accomplishing each task now.

Take that important step by starting now, a task at a time and in due course you will end up getting all the tasks done within the given deadlines. Try as much as possible to avoid anything any distraction whatsoever, especially those ones that will affect you from being able to achieve your tasks. Learn to say NO to distractions of any kind.



12)                        Each time you meet your deadlines, learn to appreciate and celebrate your achievements.

Always learn to celebrate your achievements, make yourself happy and appreciate any task you complete successfully. This is important because in most cases, it will help to encourage you and give you the much needed strength to do more or complete more tasks that you need to complete.



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